Provides bindings to JavaScript’s Array
functions. These bindings are optimized for pipe-first (->
), where the array to be processed is the first parameter in the function.
Here is an example to find the sum of squares of all even numbers in an array. Without pipe first, we must call the functions in reverse order:
RESlet isEven = x => mod(x, 2) == 0
let square = x => x * x
let result = {
open Js.Array2
reduce(map(filter([5, 2, 3, 4, 1], isEven), square), "+", 0)
With pipe first, we call the functions in the “natural” order:
RESlet isEven = x => mod(x, 2) == 0
let square = x => x * x
let result = {
open Js.Array2
[5, 2, 3, 4, 1]->filter(isEven)->map(square)->reduce("+", 0)
The type used to describe a JavaScript array.
type t<'a> = array<'a>
A type used to describe JavaScript objects that are like an array or are iterable.
type array_like<'a>
Creates a shallow copy of an array from an array-like object. See
on MDN.
RESlet strArr = Js.String.castToArrayLike("abcd")
Js.Array2.from(strArr) == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
let from: array_like<'a> => array<'a>
Creates a new array by applying a function (the second argument) to each item
in the array_like
first argument. See
on MDN.
RESlet strArr = Js.String.castToArrayLike("abcd")
let code = s => Js.String.charCodeAt(0, s)
Js.Array2.fromMap(strArr, code) == [97.0, 98.0, 99.0, 100.0]
let fromMap: (array_like<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>
Returns true
if its argument is an array; false
otherwise. This is a runtime check, which is why the second example returns true
---a list is internally represented as a nested JavaScript array.
RESJs.Array2.isArray([5, 2, 3, 1, 4]) == true
Js.Array2.isArray(list{5, 2, 3, 1, 4}) == true
Js.Array2.isArray("abcd") == false
let isArray: 'a => bool
Returns the number of elements in the array. See
on MDN.
let length: array<'a> => int
Copies from the first element in the given array to the designated ~to_
position, returning the resulting array. This function modifies the original
array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.copyWithin(arr, ~to_=2) == [100, 101, 100, 101, 102]
arr == [100, 101, 100, 101, 102]
let copyWithin: (t<'a>, ~to_: int) => t<'a>
Copies starting at element ~from
in the given array to the designated ~to_
position, returning the resulting array. This function modifies the original
array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.copyWithinFrom(arr, ~from=2, ~to_=0) == [102, 103, 104, 103, 104]
arr == [102, 103, 104, 103, 104]
let copyWithinFrom: (t<'a>, ~to_: int, ~from: int) => t<'a>
Copies starting at element ~start
in the given array up to but not including
to the designated ~to_
position, returning the resulting array. This
function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]
Js.Array2.copyWithinFromRange(arr, ~start=2, ~end_=5, ~to_=1) == [100, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105]
arr == [100, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105]
let copyWithinFromRange: (t<'a>, ~to_: int, ~start: int, ~end_: int) => t<'a>
Sets all elements of the given array (the first arumgent) to the designated value (the secon argument), returning the resulting array. This function modifies the original array.
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.fillInPlace(arr, 99) == [99, 99, 99, 99, 99]
arr == [99, 99, 99, 99, 99]
let fillInPlace: (t<'a>, 'a) => t<'a>
Sets all elements of the given array (the first arumgent) from position ~from
to the end to the designated value (the second argument), returning the
resulting array. This function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.fillFromInPlace(arr, 99, ~from=2) == [100, 101, 99, 99, 99]
arr == [100, 101, 99, 99, 99]
let fillFromInPlace: (t<'a>, 'a, ~from: int) => t<'a>
Sets the elements of the given array (the first arumgent) from position
up to but not including position ~end_
to the designated value (the
second argument), returning the resulting array. This function modifies the
original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.fillRangeInPlace(arr, 99, ~start=1, ~end_=4) == [100, 99, 99, 99, 104]
arr == [100, 99, 99, 99, 104]
let fillRangeInPlace: (t<'a>, 'a, ~start: int, ~end_: int) => t<'a>
If the array is not empty, removes the last element and returns it as
; returns None
if the array is empty. This function modifies
the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.pop(arr) == Some(104)
arr == [100, 101, 102, 103]
let empty: array<int> = []
Js.Array2.pop(empty) == None
let pop: t<'a> => option<'a>
Appends the given value to the array, returning the number of elements in the
updated array. This function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["ant", "bee", "cat"]
Js.Array2.push(arr, "dog") == 4
arr == ["ant", "bee", "cat", "dog"]
let push: (t<'a>, 'a) => int
Appends the values from one array (the second argument) to another (the first
argument), returning the number of elements in the updated array. This
function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["ant", "bee", "cat"]
Js.Array2.pushMany(arr, ["dog", "elk"]) == 5
arr == ["ant", "bee", "cat", "dog", "elk"]
let pushMany: (t<'a>, array<'a>) => int
Returns an array with the elements of the input array in reverse order. This
function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["ant", "bee", "cat"]
Js.Array2.reverseInPlace(arr) == ["cat", "bee", "ant"]
arr == ["cat", "bee", "ant"]
let reverseInPlace: t<'a> => t<'a>
If the array is not empty, removes the first element and returns it as
; returns None
if the array is empty. This function modifies
the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.shift(arr) == Some(100)
arr == [101, 102, 103, 104]
let empty: array<int> = []
Js.Array2.shift(empty) == None
let shift: t<'a> => option<'a>
Sorts the given array in place and returns the sorted array. JavaScript sorts
the array by converting the arguments to UTF-16 strings and sorting them. See
the second example with sorting numbers, which does not do a numeric sort.
This function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet words = ["bee", "dog", "ant", "cat"]
Js.Array2.sortInPlace(words) == ["ant", "bee", "cat", "dog"]
words == ["ant", "bee", "cat", "dog"]
let numbers = [3, 30, 10, 1, 20, 2]
Js.Array2.sortInPlace(numbers) == [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30]
numbers == [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30]
let sortInPlace: t<'a> => t<'a>
Sorts the given array in place and returns the sorted array. This function modifies the original array.
The first argument to sortInPlaceWith()
is a function that compares two items
from the array and returns:
an integer less than zero if the first item is less than the second item zero if the items are equal an integer greater than zero if the first item is greater than the second item
on MDN.
RES// sort by word length
let words = ["horse", "aardvark", "dog", "camel"]
let byLength = (s1, s2) => Js.String.length(s1) - Js.String.length(s2)
Js.Array2.sortInPlaceWith(words, byLength) == ["dog", "horse", "camel", "aardvark"]
// sort in reverse numeric order
let numbers = [3, 30, 10, 1, 20, 2]
let reverseNumeric = (n1, n2) => n2 - n1
Js.Array2.sortInPlaceWith(numbers, reverseNumeric) == [30, 20, 10, 3, 2, 1]
let sortInPlaceWith: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => int) => t<'a>
Starting at position ~pos
, remove ~remove
elements and then add the
elements from the ~add
array. Returns an array consisting of the removed
items. This function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
Js.Array2.spliceInPlace(arr, ~pos=2, ~remove=2, ~add=["x", "y", "z"]) == ["c", "d"]
arr == ["a", "b", "x", "y", "z", "e", "f"]
let arr2 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
Js.Array2.spliceInPlace(arr2, ~pos=3, ~remove=0, ~add=["x", "y"]) == []
arr2 == ["a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "d"]
let arr3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
Js.Array2.spliceInPlace(arr3, ~pos=9, ~remove=2, ~add=["x", "y", "z"]) == []
arr3 == ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "x", "y", "z"]
let spliceInPlace: (t<'a>, ~pos: int, ~remove: int, ~add: array<'a>) => t<'a>
Removes elements from the given array starting at position ~pos
to the end of
the array, returning the removed elements. This function modifies the original
array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
Js.Array2.removeFromInPlace(arr, ~pos=4) == ["e", "f"]
arr == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
let removeFromInPlace: (t<'a>, ~pos: int) => t<'a>
Removes ~count
elements from the given array starting at position ~pos
returning the removed elements. This function modifies the original array.
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
Js.Array2.removeCountInPlace(arr, ~pos=2, ~count=3) == ["c", "d", "e"]
arr == ["a", "b", "f"]
let removeCountInPlace: (t<'a>, ~pos: int, ~count: int) => t<'a>
Adds the given element to the array, returning the new number of elements in
the array. This function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["b", "c", "d"]
Js.Array2.unshift(arr, "a") == 4
arr == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
let unshift: (t<'a>, 'a) => int
Adds the elements in the second array argument at the beginning of the first
array argument, returning the new number of elements in the array. This
function modifies the original array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = ["d", "e"]
Js.Array2.unshiftMany(arr, ["a", "b", "c"]) == 5
arr == ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
let unshiftMany: (t<'a>, array<'a>) => int
let append: (t<'a>, 'a) => t<'a>
Concatenates the second array argument to the first array argument, returning a
new array. The original arrays are not modified. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.concat(["a", "b"], ["c", "d", "e"]) == ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
let concat: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => t<'a>
The second argument to concatMany()
is an array of arrays; these are added at
the end of the first argument, returning a new array. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.concatMany(["a", "b", "c"], [["d", "e"], ["f", "g", "h"]]) == [
let concatMany: (t<'a>, array<t<'a>>) => t<'a>
Returns true if the given value is in the array, false
otherwise. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.includes(["a", "b", "c"], "b") == true
Js.Array2.includes(["a", "b", "c"], "x") == false
let includes: (t<'a>, 'a) => bool
Returns the index of the first element in the array that has the given value.
If the value is not in the array, returns -1. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.indexOf([100, 101, 102, 103], 102) == 2
Js.Array2.indexOf([100, 101, 102, 103], 999) == -1
let indexOf: (t<'a>, 'a) => int
Returns the index of the first element in the array with the given value. The
search starts at position ~from
. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.indexOfFrom(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a"], "a", ~from=2) == 2
Js.Array2.indexOfFrom(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a"], "a", ~from=3) == 4
Js.Array2.indexOfFrom(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a"], "b", ~from=2) == -1
let indexOfFrom: (t<'a>, 'a, ~from: int) => int
This function converts each element of the array to a string (via JavaScript)
and concatenates them, separated by the string given in the first argument,
into a single string. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.joinWith(["ant", "bee", "cat"], "--") == "ant--bee--cat"
Js.Array2.joinWith(["door", "bell"], "") == "doorbell"
Js.Array2.joinWith([2020, 9, 4], "/") == "2020/9/4"
Js.Array2.joinWith([2.5, 3.6, 3e-2], ";") == "2.5;3.6;0.03"
let joinWith: (t<'a>, string) => string
Returns the index of the last element in the array that has the given value. If
the value is not in the array, returns -1. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.lastIndexOf(["a", "b", "a", "c"], "a") == 2
Js.Array2.lastIndexOf(["a", "b", "a", "c"], "x") == -1
let lastIndexOf: (t<'a>, 'a) => int
Returns the index of the last element in the array that has the given value,
searching from position ~from
down to the start of the array. If the value is
not in the array, returns -1. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.lastIndexOfFrom(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "d"], "a", ~from=3) == 2
Js.Array2.lastIndexOfFrom(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "d"], "c", ~from=2) == -1
let lastIndexOfFrom: (t<'a>, 'a, ~from: int) => int
Returns a shallow copy of the given array from the ~start
index up to but not
including the ~end_
position. Negative numbers indicate an offset from the
end of the array. See
on MDN.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106]
Js.Array2.slice(arr, ~start=2, ~end_=5) == [102, 103, 104]
Js.Array2.slice(arr, ~start=-3, ~end_=-1) == [104, 105]
Js.Array2.slice(arr, ~start=9, ~end_=10) == []
let slice: (t<'a>, ~start: int, ~end_: int) => t<'a>
Returns a copy of the entire array. Same as Js.Array2.Slice(arr, ~start=0,
. See
on MDN.
let copy: t<'a> => t<'a>
Returns a shallow copy of the given array from the given index to the end. See
on MDN.
let sliceFrom: (t<'a>, int) => t<'a>
Converts the array to a string. Each element is converted to a string using
JavaScript. Unlike the JavaScript Array.toString()
, all elements in a
ReasonML array must have the same type. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.toString([3.5, 4.6, 7.8]) == "3.5,4.6,7.8"
Js.Array2.toString(["a", "b", "c"]) == "a,b,c"
let toString: t<'a> => string
Converts the array to a string using the conventions of the current locale.
Each element is converted to a string using JavaScript. Unlike the JavaScript
, all elements in a ReasonML array must have the same
type. See
on MDN.
// returns "3/19/2020, 10:52:11 AM" for locale en_US.utf8
// returns "2020-3-19 10:52:11" for locale de_DE.utf8
let toLocaleString: t<'a> => string
The first argument to every()
is an array. The second argument is a predicate
function that returns a boolean. The every()
function returns true
if the
predicate function is true for all items in the given array. If given an empty
array, returns true
. See
on MDN.
RESlet isEven = x => mod(x, 2) == 0
Js.Array2.every([6, 22, 8, 4], isEven) == true
Js.Array2.every([6, 22, 7, 4], isEven) == false
let every: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool
The first argument to everyi()
is an array. The second argument is a
predicate function with two arguments: an array element and that element’s
index; it returns a boolean. The everyi()
function returns true
if the
predicate function is true for all items in the given array. If given an empty
array, returns true
. See
on MDN.
RES// determine if all even-index items are positive
let evenIndexPositive = (item, index) => mod(index, 2) == 0 ? item > 0 : true
Js.Array2.everyi([6, -3, 5, 8], evenIndexPositive) == true
Js.Array2.everyi([6, 3, -5, 8], evenIndexPositive) == false
let everyi: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool
Applies the given predicate function (the second argument) to each element in
the array; the result is an array of those elements for which the predicate
function returned true
. See
on MDN.
RESlet nonEmpty = s => s != ""
Js.Array2.filter(["abc", "", "", "def", "ghi"], nonEmpty) == ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
let filter: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => t<'a>
Each element of the given array are passed to the predicate function. The
return value is an array of all those elements for which the predicate function
returned true
on MDN.
RES// keep only positive elements at odd indices
let positiveOddElement = (item, index) => mod(index, 2) == 1 && item > 0
Js.Array2.filteri([6, 3, 5, 8, 7, -4, 1], positiveOddElement) == [3, 8]
let filteri: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => t<'a>
Returns Some(value)
for the first element in the array that satisifies the
given predicate function, or None
if no element satisifies the predicate. See
on MDN.
RES// find first negative element
Js.Array2.find([33, 22, -55, 77, -44], x => x < 0) == Some(-55)
Js.Array2.find([33, 22, 55, 77, 44], x => x < 0) == None
let find: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => option<'a>
Returns Some(value)
for the first element in the array that satisifies the
given predicate function, or None
if no element satisifies the predicate. The
predicate function takes an array element and an index as its parameters. See
on MDN.
RES// find first positive item at an odd index
let positiveOddElement = (item, index) => mod(index, 2) == 1 && item > 0
Js.Array2.findi([66, -33, 55, 88, 22], positiveOddElement) == Some(88)
Js.Array2.findi([66, -33, 55, -88, 22], positiveOddElement) == None
let findi: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => option<'a>
Returns the index of the first element in the array that satisifies the given
predicate function, or -1 if no element satisifies the predicate. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.findIndex([33, 22, -55, 77, -44], x => x < 0) == 2
Js.Array2.findIndex([33, 22, 55, 77, 44], x => x < 0) == -1
let findIndex: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => int
Returns Some(value)
for the first element in the array that satisifies the
given predicate function, or None
if no element satisifies the predicate. The
predicate function takes an array element and an index as its parameters. See
on MDN.
RES// find index of first positive item at an odd index
let positiveOddElement = (item, index) => mod(index, 2) == 1 && item > 0
Js.Array2.findIndexi([66, -33, 55, 88, 22], positiveOddElement) == 3
Js.Array2.findIndexi([66, -33, 55, -88, 22], positiveOddElement) == -1
let findIndexi: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => int
The forEach()
function applies the function given as the second argument to
each element in the array. The function you provide returns unit
, and the
function also returns unit
. You use forEach()
when you need to
process each element in the array but not return any new array or value; for
example, to print the items in an array. See
on MDN.
RES// display all elements in an array
Js.Array2.forEach(["a", "b", "c"], x => Js.log(x)) == ()
let forEach: (t<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit
The forEachi()
function applies the function given as the second argument to
each element in the array. The function you provide takes an item in the array
and its index number, and returns unit
. The forEachi()
function also
returns unit
. You use forEachi()
when you need to process each element in
the array but not return any new array or value; for example, to print the
items in an array. See
on MDN.
RES// display all elements in an array as a numbered list
Js.Array2.forEachi(["a", "b", "c"], (item, index) => Js.log2(index + 1, item)) == ()
let forEachi: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => unit) => unit
Applies the function (the second argument) to each item in the array, returning
a new array. The result array does not have to have elements of the same type
as the input array. See
on MDN.
RESJs.Array2.map([12, 4, 8], x => x * x) == [144, 16, 64]
Js.Array2.map(["animal", "vegetable", "mineral"], Js.String.length) == [6, 9, 7]
let map: (t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => t<'b>
Applies the function (the second argument) to each item in the array, returning
a new array. The function acceps two arguments: an item from the array and its
index number. The result array does not have to have elements of the same type
as the input array. See
on MDN.
RES// multiply each item in array by its position
let product = (item, index) => item * index
Js.Array2.mapi([10, 11, 12], product) == [0, 11, 24]
let mapi: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => t<'b>
The reduce()
function takes three parameters: an array, a reducer function,
and a beginning accumulator value. The reducer function has two parameters: an
accumulated value and an element of the array.
first calls the reducer function with the beginning value and the
first element in the array. The result becomes the new accumulator value, which
is passed in to the reducer function along with the second element in the
array. reduce()
proceeds through the array, passing in the result of each
stage as the accumulator to the reducer function.
When all array elements are processed, the final value of the accumulator
becomes the return value of reduce()
. See
on MDN.
RESlet sumOfSquares = (accumulator, item) => accumulator + item * item
Js.Array2.reduce([10, 2, 4], sumOfSquares, 0) == 120
Js.Array2.reduce([10, 2, 4], "*", 1) == 80
["animal", "vegetable", "mineral"],
(acc, item) => acc + Js.String.length(item),
) == 22 // 6 + 9 + 7
Js.Array2.reduce([2.0, 4.0], (acc, item) => item /. acc, 1.0) == 2.0 // 4.0 / (2.0 / 1.0)
let reduce: (t<'a>, ('b, 'a) => 'b, 'b) => 'b
The reducei()
function takes three parameters: an array, a reducer
function, and a beginning accumulator value. The reducer function has three
parameters: an accumulated value, an element of the array, and the index of
that element.
first calls the reducer function with the beginning value, the
first element in the array, and zero (its index). The result becomes the new
accumulator value, which is passed to the reducer function along with the
second element in the array and one (its index). reducei()
proceeds from left
to right through the array, passing in the result of each stage as the
accumulator to the reducer function.
When all array elements are processed, the final value of the accumulator
becomes the return value of reducei()
. See
on MDN.
RES// find sum of even-index elements in array
let sumOfEvens = (accumulator, item, index) =>
if mod(index, 2) == 0 {
accumulator + item
} else {
Js.Array2.reducei([2, 5, 1, 4, 3], sumOfEvens, 0) == 6
let reducei: (t<'a>, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b, 'b) => 'b
The reduceRight()
function takes three parameters: an array, a reducer
function, and a beginning accumulator value. The reducer function has two
parameters: an accumulated value and an element of the array.
first calls the reducer function with the beginning value and
the last element in the array. The result becomes the new accumulator value,
which is passed in to the reducer function along with the next-to-last element
in the array. reduceRight()
proceeds from right to left through the array,
passing in the result of each stage as the accumulator to the reducer function.
When all array elements are processed, the final value of the accumulator
becomes the return value of reduceRight()
. See
on MDN.
NOTE: In many cases, reduce()
and reduceRight()
give the same result.
However, see the last example here and compare it to the example from
, where order makes a difference.
RESlet sumOfSquares = (accumulator, item) => accumulator + item * item
Js.Array2.reduceRight([10, 2, 4], sumOfSquares, 0) == 120
Js.Array2.reduceRight([2.0, 4.0], (acc, item) => item /. acc, 1.0) == 0.5 // 2.0 / (4.0 / 1.0)
let reduceRight: (t<'a>, ('b, 'a) => 'b, 'b) => 'b
The reduceRighti()
function takes three parameters: an array, a reducer
function, and a beginning accumulator value. The reducer function has three
parameters: an accumulated value, an element of the array, and the index of
that element. reduceRighti()
first calls the reducer function with the
beginning value, the last element in the array, and its index (length of array
minus one). The result becomes the new accumulator value, which is passed in to
the reducer function along with the second element in the array and one (its
index). reduceRighti()
proceeds from right to left through the array, passing
in the result of each stage as the accumulator to the reducer function.
When all array elements are processed, the final value of the accumulator
becomes the return value of reduceRighti()
. See
on MDN.
NOTE: In many cases, reducei()
and reduceRighti()
give the same result.
However, there are cases where the order in which items are processed makes a
RES// find sum of even-index elements in array
let sumOfEvens = (accumulator, item, index) =>
if mod(index, 2) == 0 {
accumulator + item
} else {
Js.Array2.reduceRighti([2, 5, 1, 4, 3], sumOfEvens, 0) == 6
let reduceRighti: (t<'a>, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b, 'b) => 'b
Returns true
if the predicate function given as the second argument to
returns true
for any element in the array; false
RESlet isEven = x => mod(x, 2) == 0
Js.Array2.some([3, 7, 5, 2, 9], isEven) == true
Js.Array2.some([3, 7, 5, 1, 9], isEven) == false
let some: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool
Returns true
if the predicate function given as the second argument to
returns true
for any element in the array; false
otherwise. The
predicate function has two arguments: an item from the array and the index
RES// Does any string in the array
// have the same length as its index?
let sameLength = (str, index) => Js.String.length(str) == index
// "ef" has length 2 and is it at index 2
Js.Array2.somei(["ab", "cd", "ef", "gh"], sameLength) == true
// no item has the same length as its index
Js.Array2.somei(["a", "bc", "def", "gh"], sameLength) == false
let somei: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool
Returns the value at the given position in the array if the position is in
bounds; returns the JavaScript value undefined
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103]
Js.Array2.unsafe_get(arr, 3) == 103
Js.Array2.unsafe_get(arr, 4) // returns undefined
let unsafe_get: (array<'a>, int) => 'a
Sets the value at the given position in the array if the position is in bounds. If the index is out of bounds, well, “here there be dragons.“
This function modifies the original array.
RESlet arr = [100, 101, 102, 103]
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(arr, 3, 99)
// result is [100, 101, 102, 99];
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(arr, 4, 88)
// result is [100, 101, 102, 99, 88]
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(arr, 6, 77)
// result is [100, 101, 102, 99, 88, <1 empty item>, 77]
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(arr, -1, 66)
// you don't want to know.
let unsafe_set: (array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit